Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So, about that "weekly podcast" thing ...

Thank you to everyone who has commented or emailed me in the um, almost year that it's been since my last podcast. I'm really sorry I've been away from the project for so long. I'm amazed that there's still an audience for my meager, sporadically-updated content - thank you!

Unfortunately, I don't have a new podcast to post today, but I did want to let everyone know that I haven't fallen off a cliff or been the victim of a giant earthquake or anything else of the sort.

I don't know when the next episode of litGEEK will be up. Episodes six through nine are outlined, but not completed. I can promise that I will return to this project, but I can't promise when. I'm in the final stretch of my undergrad and it's a mad scramble to finish 17 credits worth of school stuff while starting a new job in a new industry. (I get to learn new terms and be geeky about non-lit things. Sweet.) I'm still trying to figure out where the sweet-spot is in terms of work-school-life balance because I will likely be enrolled in some form of formalized education for the rest of my life.

I'm not whining, or trying not to - I am very, very lucky to have the support necessary to finish an undergraduate degree as an adult. But the choices I made in 2007 ultimately resulted in a lot less free time for fun projects.

Please, keep emailing and commenting. And I'll try to do a little better about keeping up my end of the bargain once I can get things rolling, again. (And, if I actually get into an MAT program, I'll try not to pull another disappearing act.)

Fair enough?

Feedback? Comment here or email me at litcast@gmail.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looking forward to many more podcasts, but I totally understand the "getting swept away by life" thing. :)
